So as part of 'Want It, Wednesdays' I've decided to show one of the things I personally want really, really badly, Grey Ant 'Status' over size wayfarers. I scoured the net relentlessly trying to find the picture of Pete Wentz that I saw in a random magazine while at a doctors appointment with Mama Del'Accort, as well as asking everyone I knew for the names of brands that currently make HUGE glasses that wears in L.A., I know, what a broad question..
Seen on anyone from Beyonce to Lohan and countless others, I DIGGGGG these glasses. I love my glasses big, and I've been going at least a year or two without a pair of sunglasses due to the fact that I'm SO picky about which glasses possess all the traits I require to feel comfortable wearing them, and not feeling like I look like a dB (douche bag).
Currently on back order on, these glasses are quite popular, but that doesn’t sway my decision to finally purchase a pair of glasses that I feel will fit my big fat face perfectly.
Available in black, clear with silver lenses, red with gold lenses (on I've also seem them in tortoise (on Erin Wasson), which I really want, also white and a darker gray-ish clear. Until I can find the tortoise, I'm guessing I'll be snagging the black ones once their available.
Available at ($230) and I'm sure a million other places? But I'm just too lazy to search, haha.