This shoot of Natasha Poly for MUSE is one of my FAVORITES EVER. I was just going to post an "Image of the Day" but I had to post the whole shoot. From the eye of Sølve Sundsbø and styled by Marie Chaix. Entitled "Super Trooper" there is nothing soft about this shoot, my favorite detail being the Geisha makeup applied to the back of her neck.. and the Chanel masked robber shirt..
Sorry I've been lagging lately, I have had a lot of doctors issues going on and have been sick. I'm slowly doing better, Thank God for Fashion, it's what keeps me going. I've also been super busy working on my jewelry line, soo happy about the progress I've made with the help of so many of my amazing friends and my family. Stay tuned for the launch of my website, doing a shoot with a great friend for the line in 2 weeks!
Colleges made by Me original images via